Monday, September 28, 2009

I do burn burn burn... I do burn burn

Note to the three people that read this: Read the post below before reading this one, otherwise you're just missing the start of a long story... maybe good *shrug*

Continued: Enter in the SCOVILLE! It's a unit to measure the ability for a certain type of pepper to destroy all which God has made good. It may also be a way to tell how hot a pepper is going to be. For me, it's about as close to skydiving, motorcycle riding, bungee jumping, and bear hunting as I'm going to get. Back to the scoville, you'll get a lot of technical information from the above link to how one might progress through the extensive pepper family. Pepper Spray, or mace, is made from capsaicin or the hot stuff in that pepper. Rub a jalapeno in your eye and see what it feels like.... then imagine that in your lungs, in your eyes, on your forehead, up your nose, and everywhere else it's not supposed to be. Doesn't sound fun? Fun Fact: I have an average scoville rating of 9500!

Back to how this affects me.... it all adds up to really enjoying the heat, but wanting to feel like I accomplish something while eating. I blame video games and the addition of trophies and points. It's a way to be competitive when it doesn't matter. =\ The heat is the exact same thing, but you have the enjoyment of eating to go with it. My scoville rating may be up there, but it's low when it comes to what's out there.

Let's say that it hasn't always gone well. I've been giving more reason to hate the pepper than love the pepper. It's done me wrong often enough. We'll save that for a more interesting post!


1 comment:

  1. You might not want to wax eloquent about the results of some of your pepper adventures! Could get a little scary for those who can't even handle a jalepeno with a seed left in it.
