Saturday, June 5, 2010

cirage poétique

I haven't done a lot of writing lately, but after a quick mention of Keats at Barnes & Noble I've wanted to finish up a couple that I started. That brought around sharing some stuff that I've altered, edited, or just had laying around on the computer. I'll post a few every now and then - probably with a quick note of what it's about if I really feel like it. Enjoy.

Stone; memory-hewn into a picture that betrays the natural.
What more could the Immortal show us about a life together?
Those wind-blown valleys; jagged curves; time so smoothed –
The beauty of emeralds will surface - glimmer in smiling eyes.
Can the current pull us in, leave us floating there forever?
Cold and rushing, enduringly; cutting delicate facets. 

Note: Don't know if I'm done with it or not. It *might* expand, but I'll probably continue to fiddle with the punctuation. It stops where I want it to stop, but might be used more efficiently.

1 comment:

  1. Finally!!! You may need to give insight as to what you were thinking or experiencing leading to your work. Just for our "inquiring minds" that want to know. Love your phrasing in this poem and the way you express yourself.
